Por alguna curiosa razon es casi imposible publicar este util script dentro de las paginas de DSL haaa y para mi este script es dominio publico.
#!/bin/bash # usbfathdd.sh - cbagger01's slightly modified version of # the original pendrive_usbhdd.sh / pendrive_usbzip.sh by # (c) Robert Shingledecker 2005 # added usb storage log check # Usb2Usb by John Edgar Congote Calle 2007 . /etc/init.d/dsl-functions export PATH="$PATH:." clear echo echo "${RED}DSL ${WHITE}pendrive BIOS boot FAT USB_HDD ${BLUE}install/update.${NORMAL}" echo echo "1. Your BIOS must support USB-HDD booting." echo "2. A single FAT partition will be made." echo "3. Backup/Restore will be pre setup." echo "4. Do not have your pendrive mounted." echo echo "${YELLOW}No responsibility for data loss or hardware damage!${NORMAL}" echo # Check to help the user avoid accidentally installing to the wrong devicename echo -n "${CYAN}Display your USB storage device information log? ${YELLOW}(Y/n): ${NORMAL}" read ANSWER if [ "$ANSWER" != "n" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "N" ] ; then SEPARATOR="--------------------------------------------------------" SEDGREEN=" \[1;32m" SEDNORMAL=" \[0;39m" dmesg | grep -A 4 "SCSI emulation" | sed "s/--/$SEPARATOR/g;/scsi.* disk/ s/disk/disk$SEDGREEN/g;s/ at /$SEDNORMAL at /g" fi ANSWER= echo -n "${CYAN}Enter the origin device name of pendrive.${WHITE}(EXAMPLE: ${YELLOW}sda): ${NORMAL}" read DEVICEORG if [ -z "$DEVICEORG" ] ; then echo "No device chosen. The script will be terminated." echo -n "Press Enter key to continue."; read gagme exit 1 fi ORIGIN="$DEVICEORG"1 echo -n "${CYAN}Enter the target device name of pendrive.${WHITE}(EXAMPLE: ${YELLOW}sdb): ${NORMAL}" read DEVICETAR if [ -z "$DEVICETAR" ] ; then echo "No device chosen. The script will be terminated." echo -n "Press Enter key to continue."; read gagme exit 1 fi TARGET="$DEVICETAR"1 mkdir /mnt/origin mount -t vfat /dev/$ORIGIN /mnt/origin echo -n "${RED}Ready to proceed.${NORMAL} (y/..)? " read answer if [ "$answer" != "y" ]; then echo "Aborted by user." echo "Press Enter key to continue: "; read gagme exit 1 fi echo echo -n "${BLUE}Writing zero's to beginning of ${MAGENTA}/dev/$DEVICETAR${NORMAL} " dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$DEVICETAR bs=1k count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 & rotdash $! echo " Done." sync echo "${BLUE}Partitioning ${MAGENTA}/dev/$DEVICETAR${NORMAL}" fdisk /dev/$DEVICETAR << EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 n p 1 a 1 t 6 w EOF sync hdparm -z /dev/$DEVICETAR echo "${BLUE}Formatting ${MAGENTA}/dev/$TARGET${NORMAL}" mkdosfs /dev/$TARGET >/dev/null 2>&1 sync dd if=/bin/mbr.bin of=/dev/$DEVICE sync echo "${BLUE}Applying syslinux to pendrive partition.${NORMAL}" syslinux /dev/$TARGET echo -n "${BLUE}Setting up system image on ${MAGENTA}/mnt/$TARGET${NORMAL}..." mkdir /mnt/pendrive mount -t vfat /dev/$TARGET /mnt/pendrive if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error mounting usb device" echo -n "Press Enter key to continue."; read gagme exit 1 fi cp -r /mnt/origin/* /mnt/pendrive rotdash $! sync echo " Done." umount /mnt/pendrive umount /mnt/origin echo "${GREEN}USB installation has completed${NORMAL}" echo -n "Press Enter key to continue."; read gagme
1 comentario:
Muy buena la idea.
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